Monday, December 19, 2011

Friday, December 16, 2011

Partners for a Competitive Workforce Announcement

United Way of Greater Cincinnati and its partners have announced a new regional partnership to help get people back to work and help businesses find qualified workers. Named Partners for a Competitive Workforce (Partners), the partnership brings together businesses, workforce investment boards, chambers of commerce, educational institutions, labor, community organizations, and philanthropic funders from across the Tri-State region. The partnership came together to coordinate the region’s efforts to develop and supply skilled workers for our employers.

Partners will be chaired by John Prout, President/CEO of TriHealth, Inc. Father Michael Graham, President of Xavier University, will serve as vice chair. United Way of Greater Cincinnati will provide management for the partnership, with Ross Meyer as executive director. The partnership will be guided by a Partners Council comprised of top leadership from area businesses, chambers, community colleges and other educational institutions, workforce boards, labor, job training organizations, philanthropic funders, and other key stakeholders.

Click here for the full release

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Congressional Staff Visit Region to Research Workforce Successes

Partnerships among workforce stakeholders, employer-focused outcomes and building on effective models have been the keys to Greater Cincinnati’s success in career pathway development, a team of researchers from the Congressional Staff Workforce Network learned during a visit to the region on Dec. 9, 2011.

Hosted by the Southwest Ohio Region Workforce Investment Board (SWORWIB) and the Partners for a Competitive Workforce, the team visited several sites to learn more about industry sector initiatives such as the Health Careers Collaborative (HCC), and cooperative ventures among the region’s Workforce Investments Boards, including the Employers First Regional Workforce Network, as well as advanced manufacturing programs at Gateway Community and Technical College.

The visit was facilitated by Jobs for the Future (JFF), a public policy group that works on strategies to move low-income youth and adults into successful career pathways, with support provided by the Joyce Foundation.

Click here for the full release

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Health Careers Collaborative Featured in National Report, Webinar

This week the Health Careers Collaborative was featured in a case study by the Forum for Youth Investment called "When Working Works: Employment & Postsecondary Success", as well as on a national webinar with Jobs for the Future.