Monday, January 30, 2012

Partners' Executive Director Joins National Skills Coalition Leadership Council

Ross Meyer joined the 2012 Leadership Council of the National Skills Coalition. National Skills Coalition is a broad-based coalition working toward a vision of an America that grows its economy by investing in its people so that every worker and every industry has the skills to compete and prosper. Representing over twenty states, the 62-member Council features some of the Coalition’s leading members from a broad cross-section of stakeholders including community-based training organizations, colleges, public workforce agencies, unions, employer associations, and advocacy groups.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Enquirer: Factory careers are where it's at

Efforts of local manufacturers to develop the next generation of skilled workers was highlighted by the Cincinnati Enquirer. Click here for the article.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Partners on WVXU Impact Cincinnati Show

WVXU's Impact Cincinnati show on January 19 focused on unemployment and options for job seekers.  Partners Executive Director Ross Meyer was a guest, along with Janet Harrah of NKU and Sarah Brown of Project Connect.  Click here for the podcast.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

NKY Manufacturing Partnership Awarded State Grant

A group of Northern Kentucky manufacturing companies has developed a plan to address the shortage of qualified workers. The Northern Kentucky Industrial Park Industry Partnership has been awarded a $65,000 grant from the Kentucky Office of Employment and Training to help implement the program. Partners for a Competitive Workforce is a partner in the grant, and Janice Urbanik will assist with implementation.

For coverage of the grant award in the Cincinnati Enquirer, click here.

Partners Featured in Cincy Careers Magazine

The work of the Greater Cincinnati Workforce Network, recently renamed Partners for a Competitive Workforce, was featured in Cincy Magazine's special issue, Cincy Careers.  Click here for the article or the full issue.