Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Peter Strange, Chairman of Messer Inc, Speaks About Employer Engagement

Pete Strange, Chairman of Messer, Inc., and member of the PCW Council, speaks at the National Fund for Workforce Solutions on the importance of employer engagement.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

PCW Cited in Stanford Social Innovation Review Blog Series

PCW was cited in a four-part blog series in the Stanford Social Innovation Review on the efforts of the Greater Cincinnati Foundation to support "backbone" organizations to advance collective impact. Click here for the series: Understanding the Value of Backbone Organizations in Collective Impact.

Local Efforts Featured in Bloomberg News Article

The career pathway programs developed by the Health Careers Collaborative of Greater Cincinnati were featured in a national article by Bloomberg News on employers investing in incumbent worker training. Here is the article: Companies Say 3 Million Unfilled Positions in Skill Crisis.