Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Cincinnati leaders participate in Skills Summit

Workforce and business leaders from Cincinnati headed to Washington, DC for the National Skills Coalition's annual Skills Summit for a day of meetings on Capitol Hill with Congressional offices to emphasize the importance of federal investment in skills training to help get America back to work and help employers access skilled workers.

Members of the Ohio delegation meet with Senator Sherrod Brown. From left to right: Julia Abell of Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Ross Meyer of Partners for a Competitive Workforce, Senator Sherrod Brown, Liza Smitherman of Jostin Construction, Sherry Kelley Marshall of the Southwest Ohio Region Workforce Investment Board, and Kerrie Carte of WSOS Community Action.

During the Summit, the National Skills Coalition honored PCW with the "Taking Care of Business" Award for its efforts to engage business leaders in advocacy.

From left to right: Eric Seleznow of NSC, Ross Meyer of PCW, and Andrea Glispie of NSC.